When looking for a manufacturing site, one of the considerations that buyers have to make is whether to buy a greenfield or a brownfield. There are benefits to brownfields that you would want to take into consideration.
Brownfield sites refer to properties that have been used for projects that have an environmental impact. These sites are typically abandoned and not utilized to the fullest. They also tend to have contaminants in the soil and water source.
One of the advantages of choosing Brownfields in BC is that you don’t have to deal with damaging a greenspace anymore. It can also be an excellent option for a redevelopment site. Many brownfields in BC also have the existing infrastructure already so you can utilize that for your business.
Another advantage is that you can be given incentives and grants for the clean-up of the property. The government can financially assist with any improvement that you might want to put up.
Many brownfield sites are also situated in industrial locations, which can be better than the greenfield sites that are usually farther away from the city. It can take longer for your workers to commute to the site. If you are looking for a site that is more accessible, you should consider these sites.
There are also disadvantages to brownfield sites such as having a longer development. Since you will need to take environmental measures, it will take longer before you can do the things you want to do with the site.
Construction timelines are also typically longer. With environmental concerns that need to be addressed, the construction of new infrastructure will be put on hold. Also, some sites might have an older structure. As these sites are usually abandoned, they might not be in fit condition and might take time to remodel.
These are the pros and cons that you need to consider when choosing a site for your manufacturing facility. But when you have decided to go for brownfield sites, you should get the help of environmental consulting companies such as Next Environmental who will help you determine what you are up against.
Through environmental consulting, you will be able to discover the potential health hazards and possible infrastructure issues that you need to deal with before you can put up your manufacturing facility. Environmental consulting services will include an inspection of the land to see what specific contaminants are there. Once you know the results, you will be able to determine the cost-effective ways to remove the contaminants.
This added step can also help in eliminating liabilities and reducing risks. It minimizes the risks of contamination exposure. Litigation and claims for injuries and damages brought about by exposure to these contaminants can be expensive.
Shane Aston is the author of this article. To know more about Underground Storage Tank Removal in Vancouver please visit our website: nextenvironmental.com
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